Center brake light A common reason a vehicle is pulled over and stopped by police is for having the center brake light out. Prior to…
Maryland police officers frequently use tinted windows as a justification to pull over a vehicle. In and of itself that may be fine, but as…
In any Maryland drug possession case (possession, possession with intent to distribute, etc.) one of the obvious key elements is that the substance is in…
In a possession of marijuana, cocaine, or any drug case, there lies a fundamental but often overlooked question at the heart of the case–is the…
So, unfortunately someone in Maryland was accused by the police of possessing a small amount of marijuana and issued a citation for Possession of Marijuana…
I have noticed recently that the majority of persons charged solely with possession of small amounts of marijuana in Prince George’s County are being charged…
Under current Maryland law, a defendant can only get one Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) for a drug-related offense. Once that defendant receives a PBJ in…
Maryland’s governor just recently signed a new law which reduces the penalties for possession of a small amount of marijuana. The law differentiates between possession…